How to Use Telemedicine Services

Teladoc doctor on the phone with a patient

Generali Global Assistance travel insurance plans include medical coverage with Telemedicine services that connect travelers instantly with a network of U.S. licensed physicians for information, medical advice and treatment, including prescription medication, when appropriate and legally permitted. This service allows our policyholders that are on a covered trip to request a virtual visit with a board-certified doctor 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, anywhere in the world.

The Telemedicine service is designed to handle non-emergency medical problems. You should NOT use it if you are experiencing a medical emergency. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, please first call the local emergency authorities to receive immediate assistance and then contact our Emergency Assistance provider

To use Telemedicine services:

• In the United States, call toll-free: 877-243-4135

• Call collect worldwide: 240-330-1529


When calling, you should have available your Generali plan number and product code. If you cannot call collect from your location, dial direct and give the assistance provider your telephone number and location and they will call you back.

Telemedicine services are available during your domestic or international trip. Limitations may exist on the availability of prescription medication outside of the U.S.

