Airport Security and Travel Advisory Quick Links

One of the key elements to an enjoyable travel experience is to be prepared before you leave. Due to ever-changing airport security measures, TSA guidelines and Customs and Border security we’ve put together a list of links to critical websites with up-to-date travel advisory and security information.
- Find the latest from the Federal Aviation Administration at
- Check for the most up to date information on TSA guidelines to help you get through airport security efficiently, especially the latest TSA liquids rule.
- Airport Security Checkpoint Wait Times from the U.S. Security Transport Administration
- National Traffic and Road Closure Information from the U.S. Department of Transportation
- Passport Information from the U.S. Department of State
- U.S. Customs & Border Protection home page
- National Weather Service active warnings
- Travel Advocacy website sponsored by the U.S. Travel Insurance Association (UStiA)
- Traveler's Health Advisories from the Center for Disease Control
Use these links to become a more informed traveler before your trip or to check on the travel advisory and airport security situation during your trip.
Also read:
• How Travel Insurance Can Help When You Fly
• Tips to Keep Your Bags and Valuables Safe While Traveling
• REAL ID and Flying: What You Need to Know
• 7 Travel Safety Tips that Could Help Protect Your Trip from Disaster
Disclaimer: Information is provided as a courtesy only. The information provided in no way indicates whether a particular event will be covered under your travel protection plan.
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