6 Travel Safety Tips that Could Help Protect Your Trip from Disaster

Whether you’re planning a last minute solo-trip to the shore or cozying up in a ski chalet with your family, there are always potential hidden dangers when you travel. Luckily, there are some easy travel safety steps you can take when planning and taking your trip that can help you avoid those dangers or at least be ready if you encounter them.
Following this list of travel safety tips could make the difference between a great experience and a disaster vacation—it’s always good to Travel Smarter™.
1. Do Your Research
Learn all you can about your destination before you embark. Travel apps may be helpful for finding local information and places to avoid, especially when you're traveling abroad. For first-time travelers or seasoned travel pros, the State Department's website is a place to start to be sure you’re aware of potential security risks and the TSA website details what items can be carried on or checked if your vacation includes a flight.
Generali Global Assistance travel protection plans include Concierge Services that can be used before your trip. Use our City Profiles service that can provide access to information on over 10,000 destinations worldwide, including a complete report on local entertainment, social customs, health advisories and more.
2. Update your whereabouts
Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or globetrotting throughout Europe, keeping your friends and family at home updated about your plans can help in the event of an emergency on your trip. From sending copies of your itinerary, to having regular check-ins, there are simple ways you can let loved ones know you’re okay.
In addition to telling your friends and family about your whereabouts, update your bank with your travel plans so it doesn’t interpret unusual spending as fraud. It’s important to carry some cash during your travels, just in case you have any problems accessing your accounts.
24-Hour Emergency Assistance Services, that are part of all our travel insurance plans, include a service that allows emergency messages to be relayed to and from friends, relatives, personal physicians and employers.
3. Keep Emergency Information Close By
Be sure to keep copies of your important documents in your travel bag, including your passport, driver’s license, medical history, and your travel assistance plan. Saving digital and hard copies of emergency information will help make sure you have the proper documentation on hand in case the unexpected happens. Also, make note of local emergency numbers at your destination.
When you pack for your trip, add these items to your packing list and make sure to keep important medications, documents and a change of clothes in your carry-on bag, just in case your luggage is lost or delayed.
Wondering what documents to take when traveling abroad?
4. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
It’s best to leave flashy accessories and jewelry at home and aim to blend in as much as possible. Avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself or your group and don’t let your guard down. Travelers should be alert and aware of any potential risks and use your judgment when meeting new people and exploring new places. Trust your instincts and stay aware of your surroundings, and as much as you want to show off your amazing experiences, avoid posting on social media in real time and never post exact addresses of the places you’re staying.
Also read: Beach Vacation Safety Tips
Be careful when carrying documents, IDs, and credit cards into unfamiliar territory. Need to replace a lost or stolen passport? Travel Protection plans from Generali Global Assistance can help with that, and they include ID Theft Resolution services that can help if your identity is compromised during your vacation.
Watch video: How to Avoid Pickpockets on Vacation
5. Secure Your Valuables
Using bag locks or slash-proof bags in high-risk areas can help protect your valuables, but a travel protection plan can help if your valuables have already been lost, damaged or stolen. If your cash is lost or stolen, or unanticipated emergency expenses are incurred, our assistance provider can help arrange for an emergency cash transfer in local currency, traveler’s checks or other forms as deemed acceptable. Coverages and services included with our travel protection plans can help with locating and replacing lost or stolen luggage, documents, and personal possessions.
Also read: How to Keep Your Bags and Valuables Safe While Traveling
6. Get Travel Insurance
Doing your best to prepare for your vacation means accounting for things that could go wrong. A travel protection plan from Generali Global Assistance might be the ultimate travel safety tip because it can help you plan well to avoid travel mishaps and may come in handy if you run into problems and need help on your trip.
Compare travel insurance plans and prices
Also Read: Is Travel Insurance Worth It? 3 Examples Where it Pays Off
Perhaps this means help re-booking your flight home if your original flight gets canceled, or help finding a medical referral if you fall ill or become injured during the trip. These are just a couple of ways that a travel protection plan can help. In addition to more than a dozen different coverages hat could reimburse or pay you for covered events, our plans include valuable 24/7/365 Emergency Assistance and Concierge Services that are there for you when you need them most.
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